Documentary Films on The D-Word

The Mystery of SS Worcestershire (2016)
Directed by Nuradha Jayasanka & Nuradha Jayasanka
This is the story about the sunken ship “SS Worcestershire”

Nuclear alla Turca (unreleased)
Directed by Can Candan
Unsettling, tragicomical, absurd local and global stories of the “nuclear” in Turkey.

Jesuits of Tullabeg (2017)
Directed by Edward White
A rare glimpse into the lives of those who lived and worked in Tullabeg during the famine years

Theatre of Survival - The Life and Times of The Space (unreleased)
Directed by Mark Street, Daniel Poole & Brian Astbury
Making the impossible possible.

Autism in America (unreleased)
Produced by Tim VandeSteeg
Putting the puzzle together one beautiful piece at a time

Vollis Simpson, Whirligig Maker (unreleased)
Directed by Gerret Warner
Vollis Simpson, Visionary Artist of the Junkyard

The Sust Enable Project (unreleased)
Directed by Caroline Savery
An artistic documentary exploration into the meanings of "sustainability."

Boron Mon Amour (unreleased)
Is Element Atomic Number 5 really as boring as it sounds? A Hymn to the Humdrum

Malcolm McLaren: Spectacular Failure (unreleased)
Directed by Martin Herring
The life and legacy of the godfather of punk.

WHY WOMEN DO IT (unreleased)
Directed by Gilbert Ndahayo
In Uganda, women kneel down to the ground when greeting men... even greeting teenagers.