Documentary Films on The D-Word

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Babes in the Wood (2019)

Directed by David Ward

30 years on, can a cold case investigation bring a child-murderer to justice?


Who Killed Billie-Jo? (2021)

Directed by David Ward

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Supremely Ill-Suited (unreleased)

Directed by Jim Bracher

The US Supreme Court, an 18th century solution to 21s century problems.

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VetLife (working title) (unreleased)

Directed by Jim Bracher

This is not your kids happy puppy story. Kittens, puppies, crushing student loans, euthanasia, rape

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In Search of the Travelling Salesman (unreleased)

Directed by Ana Nicolau


No Ordinary Man (2020)

Produced by Sarah Spring

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A Bunch of Amateurs (2022)

Produced by Kim Hopkins

Only a miracle can save Britain’s oldest amateur film club from its final demise.


Stop Drop and Roll (2024)

Directed by Autumn Rose Ruch

A family healing story


Alive Inside (2015)

Directed by Michael Rossato-Bennett

a story of music and memory


Harlem Rising (2020)

Produced by Maximina Juson

A community changing the odds


Mama Bears (2022)


Skate or Die (2021)

Directed by Ryan Ferguson


Be About It (2016)

Directed by Christopher Wong

Two fathers, two families, battling against a silent but deadly disease


Painted Nails (2018)

Directed by Dianne Griffin

Van’s personal story encompasses both the immigrant’s journey and one woman’s rise to activism.


The Creative High a documentary (2021)

Produced by Dianne Griffin

Nine artists in recovery from addiction are transformed by creativity in their search for freedom

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Carl Lutz - Dangerous Diplomacy (2020)

Swiss diplomat Carl Lutz used his government position and bureaucratic expertise to rescue tens of

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Prodigal Sons (2010)

Directed by Kimberly Reed


Rebound (2021)

Directed by Tamara Perkins

Two justice-involved women find healing and hope through sisterhood, service, and education.


Clarissa's Battle (2022)

Directed by Tamara Perkins

A single mother’s fight for child care for all