Documentary Films on The D-Word
The Architects of Hope:The First Steps in Rebuilding Ukraine (2024)
Hope is first imagining, and then creating, that which you previously did not think possible.
A Good Wolf (2024)
Directed by Ramey Newell
A feature doc exploring the 40-year conflict over predator policy at Denali Nat'l Park in Alaska.
Redline Veterans of Washington-Escobedo (unreleased)
James F. Freeman found the military services were no more willing to provide equality of opportunity
Because I'm Here (2025)
Directed by Andrew Garrison
A story of a rural, gay, black, devoutly Christian, gospel musician that took 35 years to tell.
Food Lies (unreleased)
Directed by Jay Hanamura
Old Lies and New Science on What Humans Are Meant to Eat
Gabriel's Back Pages (2024)
Directed by Carmen Elena Mitchell
A Filmmaker's Journey Through Schizophrenia
Flood (2024)
Produced by Katy Scoggin
A filmmaker revisits her evangelical roots to find humanity and common ground with her estranged dad
Gowanus Current (unreleased)
Directed by Jamie Courville
People, pollution, planning and real estate on the most toxic 1.8 miles of water in America.