Watch Documentary Films


Elena (2014)

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Directed by Petra Costa

Based on a true story, ELENA obliterates the line between documentary, diary and fever dream.


Filming The List (2014)

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Directed by Robin Macpherson

Filming a one woman play for the cinema sounds straightforward but proves anything but.


Tree Fellers (2004)

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Produced by Robin Macpherson

Story of 900 Belizean lumberjacks who in 1942 came to Scotland to cut trees and make a new life

Dword avatar film

Making It Wright (2014)

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Diving in the airport controversy in Creswell, Oregon


Hotel Folly: Folie a Deux (2013)

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Produced by Margareta Szabo

The human cost of the banking crisis

Dword avatar film

Heist:Who Stole the American Dream? (2012)

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Heist traces the current economic nightmare to a secret memo crafted in 1971 by Lewis Powell.


Planespotting (2005)

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Directed by Steven Horner


The Dragons of Jim Green (2012)

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Directed by Randy M. Salo

True. Science. Fiction.


Polly Hill and Her Arboretum (1996)

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Directed by Gerret Warner

In any batch of seed, just like any batch of people, there's a few that stand out.


You Don't Need Feet to Dance (2013)

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Directed by Alan Govenar


Digging for Victory (2013)

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A warm and nostalgic look at the most British of past-times...

Dword avatar film

3 Sheeps Brewing Co. (2013)

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Directed by Victor Jacobo


Shored Up (2013)

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Directed by Ben Kalina

When human nature meets the force of nature.

Dword avatar film

Shored Up (2013)

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Directed by Ben Kalina

When human nature meets the force of nature.


The Phantom Tollbooth: Beyond Expectations (2013)

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Directed by Hannah Mir Jayanti

A documentary about the classic children's book, The Phantom Tollbooth.


M.I., A Different Kind of Girl (2012)

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Directed by Leslie Cunningham

A title-winning male impersonator struggles to find acceptance.


A Girl And A Gun (2013)

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Produced by Jessica Wolfson

An examination of a serious new trend.


Radio Unnameable (2012)

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Directed by Paul Lovelace

Bob Fass And The Rise of Free Expression on the Airwaves


Bible Storyland (2012)

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Directed by Stephanie Hubbard

The Dream! The Man! The Curse! The Pig!


My Big Break (2011)

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Directed by Tony Zierra

Filmed over 10 years, My Big Break captures celebrity in the making & the unsettling effects of fame