Watch Documentary Films

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Babes in the Wood (2019)

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Directed by David Ward

30 years on, can a cold case investigation bring a child-murderer to justice?


Who Killed Billie-Jo? (2021)

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Directed by David Ward


The Doodler Homocides (2016)

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Directed by B. Bill Randal

The SFPD pin all unsolved gay murders on a killer they can't catch.

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Healing Hands (unreleased)

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Produced by Laurie Blakely

The art of healing and the healing power of art


Box of Rain (2022)

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Produced by Lonnie Frazier

A documentary film about a road trip, acceptance, and the healing power of music.

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Hands-On-History (2021)

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A student of history becomes a teacher of history

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Artist Profile Episode 3: River City Narrative (2021)

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Directed by Ryan Simmons

Music, River City Narrative, Artist Profile,


Look At Us Now, Mother! (2016)

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A daughter and mother explore their past to fix their future.


Stolen Babies of Spain (2020)

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Theft in the cradle. The search for truth, justice and reconciliation.


No Single Origin (2020)

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Directed by Francisco Alcala & Alejandra Alcala


Hot Dogs on a Tricycle (2019)

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Directed by Alejandra Alcala

Dword avatar film

Dignity in Death : A day in the life of a Covid volunteer (2021)

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Directed by Areeb Hashmi

A documentary on courage amidst tragedy.


The Truth - nothing less, nothing more (2019)

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How far would you go to live the life 'you' want?


Risking Light (2018)

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Directed by Dawn Mikkelson


New Roots (2021)

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Produced by Mark Locki