Palliative Care: Helping Patients Improve Quality of Life
Directed by Annette Frahm
- Genre
- Science and Human Interest
- Synopsis
Sallie and Jamie got married at UW Hospital, a month before Jamie died. Stacie is living with an artificial heart while she awaits a transplant. The video tells how palliative care physicians are helping Jamie, Stacie and other critically ill patients write their own futures.
- Stage
- finished
- Running time
- 0, 4 or 5 minutes
- Annette Frahm ... Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Editor
Production Details
- Prod. Co.
- FrahmComm
- Country
- United States
- Years of Production
- 2012-2013
- Locations
- King County, Washington
- Prod. Partners
- UW Medicine
Distribution Details
- Release year
- 2013
- Awards
- Clarion Award (Association for Women in Communications), Videographer Award of Distinction
- Distribution
- Featured on front page of UW Medicine's Pallative Care Center of Excellence website for more than a year
- Language
- English
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