
Hanzhang Shen

New York, New York, United States


Hanzhang Shen grew up in Hang Zhou, China and graduated from School of Visual Arts, New York, with a MFA in Social Documentary Film. Hanzhang is a person with keen interest on social issues besetting her country. Her inspiration comes from projects she worked on during her time as a student in one of China's leading institutions of learning. It was at this university that she discovered a voice of significance involved in her own country, which as unique as it is faces tremendous internal social changes and challenges as China gears towards globalization. Growing up in this diverse and unique culture, has given her rich insights of the dramatic changes taking place such as unemployment, health care issues, migration, and human rights. Film: WHY AM I STILL ALIVE 2012 Student Academy Awards fianalist Winner of Best shorts festival www.whyamistillalive.com