

Madrid, Spain


I am a storyteller in every possible format: journalist, film-maker, creative, communication planner, multiplatform strategist, content turntablist and prolific blogger.

My latest is SANTA FIESTA.

Content and Social Media Executive Manager since 2009.

Arguable biggest achievement: NOMINATED TO SPANISH CINEMA AWARDS GOYA 2005

Other alternate pleasures include programmer for cinema festivals (Documenta, Cultura Urbana) and museums (Casa Encendida, Artium, Patio Herreriano); event conductor and q&a energizer.

Happiest sellout: content Manager for Beefeater's Big Bad London (Spain), directing over 60 music promos about new talents coming out of London. Google it or heck https://vimeo.com/bigbadlondon.

Proudest intellectual contribution: jazz clubs in Spain section for New Grove Dictionary Of Jazz.

Classic guerrilla artillery: freelance writer for Spanish newspapers EL PAIS, EL MUNDO, LA RAZON.

Contributing Editor for best hiphop magazine ever SERIE B Magazine and refined Cuadernos de Jazz. Both disappeared.

Founder and editor of Spain's first free independent theatre magazine MUTIS.

Founder of DOCUS MADRID, the Spanish Documentary Association.

Vinyl collector and music alchemist since 1981. Now also accidental dj. See "Másájazz".

Active and expanding in wordpress, tumblr, pinterest, facebook, twitter, mixcloud, soundcloud, soccer and kindergarten.