Documentary Films on The D-Word


Alive Inside (2015)

Directed by Michael Rossato-Bennett

a story of music and memory


Harlem Rising (2020)

Produced by Maximina Juson

A community changing the odds


Mama Bears (2022)


Skate or Die (2021)

Directed by Ryan Ferguson


Be About It (2016)

Directed by Christopher Wong

Two fathers, two families, battling against a silent but deadly disease


Painted Nails (2018)

Directed by Dianne Griffin

Van’s personal story encompasses both the immigrant’s journey and one woman’s rise to activism.


The Creative High a documentary (2021)

Produced by Dianne Griffin

Nine artists in recovery from addiction are transformed by creativity in their search for freedom

Dword avatar film

Carl Lutz - Dangerous Diplomacy (2020)

Swiss diplomat Carl Lutz used his government position and bureaucratic expertise to rescue tens of

Dword avatar film

Prodigal Sons (2010)

Directed by Kimberly Reed


Rebound (2021)

Directed by Tamara Perkins

Two justice-involved women find healing and hope through sisterhood, service, and education.


Clarissa's Battle (2022)

Directed by Tamara Perkins

A single mother’s fight for child care for all

Dword avatar film

Moonchild: The Life and Music of Yusuf Salim (unreleased)

Directed by Kenny Dalsheimer

The musical journey of jazz pianist Yusuf Salim...


We Are The Warriors (2023)

Directed by David Camlin

A small Maine town decides the fate of its American Indian mascot.

Dword avatar film

Becoming Frederick Douglass (2022)

A one hour PBS documentary on the life and impact of Frederick Douglass


The Doodler Homocides (2016)

Directed by B. Bill Randal

The SFPD pin all unsolved gay murders on a killer they can't catch.


Blues for 475 (unreleased)

Directed by Tyler A. Chase

It Could Happen to You


Gatsby in Connecticut (2020)

Directed by robert steven williams

Dword avatar film

Healing Hands (unreleased)

Produced by Laurie Blakely

The art of healing and the healing power of art