
Stuart Leigh

New York, New York, United States


Name: Stuart Leigh Address: 131 Avenue B #1B, New York, N.Y. 10009, USA tel. 212-460-5361, fax 212-460-9420, cel. 917-547-2059 sleigh64@aol.com Current Positions / Employers: 1988-present Founder and Executive Director, Real World Productions, Inc. Educational Systems and Design / Production / Evaluation 2011 * Management Systems International (MSI), Evaluation Team Leader for USAID’s major basic education effort in Southern Sudan, the $30.2 m. Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction (SSIRI) Project. Level of effort: 48 days (October- November). * Reinforcing English Language Teaching (RELATE), Project designer, Kabul, Afghanistan, for possible funding by US Embassy-Kabul. 2010 * Aguirre Division of JBS International, Senior Technical Specialist, evaluation of USAID- funded $12.5 m. T4 Project (Technology Tools for Teaching and Training) in India - assessing applied educational radio, video, and computer based systems. * Aguirre Division of JBS International, Senior Technical Specialist, evaluation of the $11.2 m. Somalia Interactive Radio Instruction Program (SIRIP) in Somalia. 2003-11 * As Director of Real World Foundation, co-design and management of $1.6 m. “Asthma Free School Zone” public health project funded by New York City Department of Transportation, others. 2009 * Aguirre Division of JBS International, Senior Technical Specialist, evaluation of USAID-funded Tikwere interactive radio instruction project in over 5000 schools in Malawi. 2008 * Management Systems International (MSI), Evaluation Team Leader for USAID’s major basic education effort in Southern Sudan, the $15.8 m Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction (SSIRI) Project. Level of effort: 59 days May (34 days), November - December (25 days) 2008. 2007 * Refugee Education Trust, planning English by radio for Darfur refugees, Eastern Chad. 2007-8 * U.S. Embassy, Kathmandu, Real World English - Nepal, co-design of new series with Radio Sagarmatha and the Nepal English Language Teachers Association for 10 radio stations. 2004-7 * USAID, “Improving English Language Teaching and Learning in Mindanao”(IELTLM), creation of the Real World Alliance (Philippine universities and radio broadcasters) to train teachers and students using multi-media resources in schools, universities, community learning centers and via radio. Over 1000 classrooms are now using the system RWP created. 2003-8 * As Director, Real World Foundation, co-designing and managing “Asthma Free School Zone” public health project funded by the New York City Department of Transportation and others. 2004 * U.S. Embassy, Dar Es Salaam, Real World English -Tanzania. Year long series of radio programs to teach English and represent American culture presented over two radio stations in Tanzania, with integrated print distributed by newspapers. * U.S. State Dept. Speakers’ Program, “Media Strategies for HIV/AIDS Prevention”, 3 weeks of presentations in French) to West Africa: Benin, Cameroon, Niger 2003 * “J’ai Mes Raisons” - production of HIV/AIDS campaign in Benin (based on new song and music-video), with Centre Africa Obota & Project Troubador. * “Real World English” – Produced revised radio/print materials for global teaching of English 2002-4 * Academy for Educational Development (AED) & Ethiopia Educational Media Agency (EMA) - “English for Ethiopia” - design of Interactive Radio English Instruction (IRI) Training of Trainers, school-based training materials for primary school teachers, leading regional trainings, digital audio training, hiring staff, ongoing ELT Interactive Radio/Audio project development. * Sesame Workshop – Research on issues and formats for international children’s radio programs. 2001 * Academy for Educational Development (AED) & Ethiopia Educational Media Agency (EMA), detailed design of 104 Grade 2 ESL interactive radio programs, training of teachers, evaluation design, digital audio training, design & equipping recording / production studios. * New Visions for Public Schools, training of School Leadership Teams in New York City. * Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning, video program for teacher training, general release. 2000 * AED & EMA (as above), design implementation and multi-modal evaluation of 130 interactive radio (IRI) ESL programs for children and teachers; developing detailed syllabus for 130 programs; training scriptwriters and producers in script and program development and production. * AED / EMA / Ethiopian Regional Education Bureaus, prototyping programs on health and education during training of 50 media writer-producers. Focus: interactivity for engagement * Urban League of New York City, designed curriculum for School Leadership Team trainings. * Stuyvesant Foundation, produced video program “This is Stuyvesant High School”. 1999 * Project Troubador, theater production for HIV/AIDS awareness in rural Western Cameroon. Educational Programs - Design / Production / Evaluation (cont.) 1999 * Stuyvesant High School Parents’ Association, President, 4-year member of School Leadership Team, developing Comprehensive Educational Plan, promoting reflection on quality. * Operation Crossroads Africa, public service radio promotion writing, design and production. 1998 * Sesame Workshop, consultant, South African adaptation of “Sesame Street”, developed the request for proposals, interviewed candidates, evaluated proposals, budgets. * GlobalRadioService.org, created internet program exchange for development radio workers. 1997 * Project Troubador CD-ROM, interactive media for health education, cultural exchange. * Computer Technology and Instructional Reform, researcher, University of California, Irvine, concerning K-12 teachers’ changing beliefs and practices, National Science Foundation. 1996 * “African Explorer”, prototype educational CD-ROM design & production. * South Africa Radio Learning Project, assisted design of Level 3 ESL Interactive Radio Instruction (radio/print programs), trained writing and production staff for OLSET (Open Learning Systems Education Trust - a South African NGO), for USAID, EDC, AED-ABEL2. (see 1992-95). 1995 * Multi-channel Civics Education, Haiti, designed community assisted IRI radio education project for private and public schools, for USAID and the Education Development Center (EDC). 1992-5 * “English in Action” - Resident Technical Advisor, South Africa Radio Learning Project, OLSET, Johannesburg, designed IRI project for daily radio-assisted English instruction for primary schools. Training in production, implementation. Managed multi-modal evaluation. Created teacher development video & workshop programs; developed pilot interactive radio mathematics instruction and math teacher development, (USAID, EDC). 1994 * Feasibility Study: Interactive Radio in Ghana, Ministry of Education, USAID, EDC. * Educational Media Planning, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), assistance to start IRI radio/print ESL project for non-formal primary education. 1992 * “Let’s Learn English”, 100 lesson IRI ESL series, Belize Ministry of Education, USAID. 1991 * 5 Year Investment Strategy in Educational Broadcasting, analysis and planning for Uganda MOE, EDC/World Bank, including educational programming for health & English instruction. ‘89-90 * Swaziland Radio Learning Project, Project Director of a nationwide pilot of primary school Interactive Radio Instruction in ESL, provided related training to staff at based at Swaziland National Curriculum Development Center, and Swaziland Broadcasting Service, for EDC/USAID. 1988-9 * “Tuning In The U.S.A.” Executive producer, co-writer, director, of original 52-part educational interactive radio drama series (with print and cassettes), part of cooperative project, "English Language Teaching by Broadcast", Macmillan Publishing and U.S.I.A.. (Winner of International Radio Festival of Gold Medal - Best Educational Radio Series.) 1984-8 * “KidsAmerica”, writer/performer of over 300 interactive live educational public radio ½-hour presentations for 6-12 year olds as “The Duke of Words”, offering cultural geography and language arts edu-tainment on WNYC's Peabody award winning national program. Presentations, Training and Leadership 2008 * Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association, International conference invited speaker. 2007 * Philippine Association for Language Teaching, International conference invited speaker. 2006 * Interactive Radio Instruction, for USAID officers, Washington D.C., June 2006 2002-3 * English for Ethiopia, national training of trainers course design and implementation, Ethiopia. 2001 * Educational Media Writing, Production, for 18 writer-producers, Mekelle, Tigrai, Ethiopia. * New Visions for Public Schools, New York City, training public School Leadership Teams. Presentations, Training and Leadership (cont.) '99-00 * Media Designs for Public Health, training for international public health workers, “Program Planning and Development for Sexuality Education, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Reproductive Health Care”, Margaret Sanger Center International, (Planned Parenthood of New York City). * Educational Media Writing, Production, and Management, in 1999 a 2-month writing, design, production workshop; and in 2000 two three-week workshops for writing and production staff of the Ethiopian Educational Media Agency, for AED / USAID. ’96-00 * Stuyvesant High School, School Leadership Team member, Parent’s Association President. 1996 * Teaching and Learning with Technology, workshop leader, World Bank, Wash. D.C.. * On-line Resources for Education and Professional Development, advisor to Kingston, N.Y. high school, demonstration/consultation sessions. 1995 * Multi-channel Learning, Presenter, UNESCO / ICDE conference, Nyanga, Zimbabwe. 1992-6 * South Africa Radio Learning Project, training audio producers, managers, writers, in interactive radio program development, for the Open Learning Systems Education Trust. 1987 * Radio Drama Workshops (with 4 groups of 35 3rd, 5th, and 6th graders), for Arts Partners, the NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs. 1984-5 * Instructor, Advanced Audio Production, The New School for Social Research, NYC. Technical Publications 1999 * “Effectiveness and Methodology”, in Interactive Radio Instruction: Impact, Sustainability, and Future Directions, Education and Technology Technical Notes Series Vol. 4, World Bank.. 1995 * “Changing Times In South Africa: Remodeling Interactive Learning”, monograph in series of case studies on multi-channel learning, LearnTech Project, EDC, USAID, Washington D.C. * "South Africa: Designing Multichannel Options for Educational Renewal", in Multichannel Learning: Connecting All to Education, EDC / USAID, Washington, D.C. Formal Education * Educational Administration, Columbia Univ., ’99-'00 (Charter schools, school reform). * International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution, Columbia University, ‘99. * Communication, Computing and Technology in Education, Columbia University ‘95-6. * Film Production, New York University, 1979. * Music Composition, Philadelphia Music Academy, 1974. • B.A. (Psychology), University of Pennsylvania, 1973. Languages English (native, excellent), French (good) Honors, Awards 1991 * Gold Medalist, Best Educational Radio Series, (executive producer, co-writer, director, “Tuning In The U.S.A.”), International Radio Festival of New York. * Keynote speaker, 18th annual MEXTESOL, Quadalajara, Mexico. Honors, Awards (cont.) 1989 * Bronze Medalist, Best Performance/Narration, International Radio Festival of New York. 1987 * Peabody Award, (as associate producer, WNYC's “KidsAmerica”).