
David Bee

Portland, Oregon, United States


Editor, director, and producer, David Bee, has 17 years professional experience editing commercial videos and 9 years experience editing feature-length and short documentaries. David also specializes in projects involving the arts, medical advancement, history and politics. David has six award-winning films to his credit, including the documentaries PLAY AGAIN, 2010, 75 minutes, Portland, Oregon, MIRACLE BALL, 2011, 70 minutes, New York, and INDEPENDENT INTERVENTION, 2006, 70 minutes, Portland, Oregon. More recently, David directed and edited the next volume of his long-running DVD series in collaboration with Mark Morris Dance Group and Brooklyn Parkinson Group, DANCE FOR PD AT HOME VOLUME 2. In 2012, David edited a documentary-content project for Nike, the NFL, and the Seattle Seahawks. In 2014, he begins post-production on his own documentary film, FRANK'S SONG.